Monday, October 17, 2005

Edward Lear - One hundred nonsense pictures and rhymes

There was an Old Man of Peru
Who never knew what he should do,
So he tore off his hair,
And behaved like a bear,
That intrinsec Old Man of Peru.

There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a bee,
When they said: does it buzz?
He replied: Yes it does,
It's a regular brute of a bee.

more here


Anonymous said...

There was a young man who didn't know
what or how the story will go.
So he kept asking and trying,
but he always ended up crying.
This is the way the river will flow.

i liked the nonsense works of lear. i somehow relate to "nonsense," i don't know why ; )

Anonymous said...

lear awesomely rule'z' ...